Learn To Skate Workout (On Ice) For Figure Skaters - 10 Laps of Skating Skills

Jan 15, 2024

New figure skaters who have just found the hobby always the same problem! They know enough to keep busy for 5 - 10 minutes, but then they are all out of ideas. What do I do now? I did everything from my 'Skate School' class, what can I do next? Well it sounds like you need a workout to practice all your new elements!  

In this lesson we have 5 exercises made up of all your favourite elements from Learn To Skate. Some simple ones, some more complex. However all 5 of them will challenge you and give you something to work on for the entire session.  

So when you're ready to work on those newly learnt skills, put on your skates and check out this lesson before your next training session.  

The exercises we'll be doing are:  

1. Forward & Backward Swizzles With One Foot Glides 
2. Forward & Backward Pumps 
3. Forward & Backward Stroking With Dips 
4. Two-Foot Slaloms With Two-Foot Turns 
5. Forward Alternating Crossovers  

Happy Skating!  

- Mitch & Stace

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