Want to become the figure skater you wished you could be?
We'll show you how practicing some simple arms movements at your next session will give you BIG results
Watch FREE LessonOur Story:
From young figure skaters
to full time coaches
Hi! Thanks For Stopping by!
We're Stacey Carter and Mitchell Chapman, two former competitive figure skaters who now coach full time in Brisbane, Australia. Thanks for stopping by!
You may have seen our exercises on Instagram/Facebook, our longer lessons on Youtube or perhaps you just stumbled across us. We're here to inspire and help the next generation of figure skaters achieve their goals on the ice.

Big Dreams Inspired Us
As kids we both dreamed of skating at the Olympics and representing our countries on the biggest stage.
While that plan didn't work out, we realised that our love for the sport was still as strong as ever.
We both began coaching and passed on our love for the sport to those who were looking for coaching and guidance in a sport that isn't like any other!
But we soon realised there was only so many hours in the day to be coaching on the ice.
From Ice Rink to Internet
With dreams of encouraging more skaters around the world, we took to Instagram/Facebook with fun exercises that skaters could practice and use to get better.

It's NOT About The Trophies
Like any sport, it is VERY easy to get carried away with competitions, trophies and accolades.
But we both learnt that 99% of people just want to be the best skater they can possibly be. Showing off their new skills to friends and families and learning to love and enjoy the process of getting better.
This realisation inspired us us to help those who may feel a little lost, unsure or indifferent to realise they can become the figure skater they always dreamed about!
Ready To Improve Your Skating While Not Having To Skate More Than 2 Hours A Week?

If you're already skating confidently but you feel like it doesn't show, then this is the lesson for you. Click below and learn how to make your skating look more beautiful with these simple arms.
Watch the FREE lesson