Five Flip Jump Entries To Challenge Your Skills | Figure Skating

Jan 08, 2024

Learning jumps is one of the most fun and exciting parts of figure skating! And out of those jumps, the flip jump is right up there as one of our favourites. A simple kick take-off from an inside edge.   

Most skaters will usually do one of two entries, a 3-turn or a mohawk (C-Step) before the jump. Now, what if we told you that you can make your flip jump look even more special? Simply by changing up those traditional entries.  

In this lesson we're going to show you five different entries for your flip jump. Some are a little more simple, while others will definitely have you scratching your head! Either way, all these entries will have you excited to get on the ice and give them a try!  

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- Five different entries into a flip jump 
- The mistakes and corrections to look out for on each entry 
- How these entries can help improve your flip jump  

Happy Skating!   

- Mitch & Stace

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