Exercises To Help Adult Figure Skaters Use Their Arms | Figure Skating

May 27, 2024

Learning how to use your arms as an adult skater can be a little scary! Are you suppose to use them like a gymnast would? Maybe a dancer? You know you want to look strong and beautiful, without looking too dramatic or silly. So how on Earth do you start learning to use you arms to get that look?  

In this lesson, we have created 3 great exercises to help you start using your arms on the ice. They can be learnt while doing basic skating, or more complicated steps. We’ll show you exactly how to use your arms, the movements to avoid and the simple corrections you can fix right away. So when you’re ready to finally get your arms involved, check out this lesson.  

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- The 3 exercises any skater can start learning right away 
- How to use your arms so they give off that “Elegan”look 
- How to begin using the arms with harder steps 

Happy Skating,  

Mitch & Stace

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